Tuesday, 24 August 2010

Let's start with my collection

Before I start wittering about models, I thought I'd show you my collection, minus my Equorums as I can't find a picture.

It's not massive by certain standards but I'm happy with it. It tends to grow rapidly !

 These are my Breyer models with a few Schleich models on top. They have now been moved to a shelf of their own.


 My Horse and pony models. They can't all be seen as there are too many !

 My wild and zoo animals, well most of them.

 My farm animals, British wild life and a few other animals.

So that's my collection. A few more models have been added since these pictures were taken, about 10 days ago, so there will be more to post soon !

1 comment:

  1. love your collections, wish I achieve that someday as well.
